Released July 19, 2019.
MagicPlot 2.9 and future releases do no more need Oracle Java installed as a standalone application on Windows and Mac OS X. Open-source Java (AdoptOpenJDK build) is now packed within MagicPlot bundle. This is why the distributive became larger.
You probably have Oracle Java installed which is not used by the new MagicPlot release. Please note that the Oracle Java License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019 (Java 8 Update 211). The new license permits certain uses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost – but other uses authorized under prior Oracle Java licenses may no longer be available. See Oracle Java SE Licensing FAQ. You may consider uninstalling Oracle Java from your computer if it is not used by other applications.
Starting with this release MagicPlot application executable is digitally signed by the developer. Note that in Mac OS build of MagicPlot the company name in the signature is displayed as 'MEDZHIKPLOT SISTEMS, OOO' instead of 'Magicplot Systems, LLC' due to transliteration issues. MagicPlot 2.9 release is currently not submitted for notarization by Apple and the appropriate warning message may appear on the first run.