Renaming columns for all tables just in import dialog
Setting Y error column just in import dialog
Importing text tables from clipboard
☞ Improved 'Add to Figure' Dialog
This dialog is used to add Table data to a Figure. In new version you will be able to:
Specify index column (row number) as X
Add multiple Y column for one X column
Click 'Add More' button instead of 'Add to Figure' and select other X column
☞ Specifying Exact Axes Scale in Main Window
Now you can set exact scale values in Inspector panel without opening properties window. Just select the axes! You can also set equal scale to multiple selected axes and toggle grid and legend.
☞ Selecting Curves, Setting Style and Clipboard
Curves are now selectable. Selected curves are denoted with light green shadow. With selecting curves you can:
Edit style of multiple selected curves using inspector toolbar without opening style dialog
Cut, copy, paste or remove selected curves via context menu and keyboard shortcuts
Colorize selected curves with standard colors
Select next/previous curve using arrow keys or Tab/Shift+Tab keys
☞ Parameters Correlation Matrix Output in 'Fit Report'
This feature allows you to check your model validity
☞ Joining Fit Parameters with Linear Dependency
Now you can specify that two or more parameters of different fit curves are equal or proportional (not only equal)
☞ Creating Copies of Tables, Fit Plots, Figures and Folders
With MagicPlot 1.4 you will be able to create a copy of selected objects. Create a copy of a Figure and than modify it!
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relnotes/notes14.txt · Last modified: Sun Nov 8 12:21:24 2015 (external edit)