MagicPlot Manual

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Predefined Fit Curves Equations

All predefined Fit Curves are listed in this table. You also can specify custom fit equation. Unlike custom fit equations these curves can be adjusted with mouse on Fit Plot.

Name Formula Parameters Meaning Additional Properties
Line y = a x + b a — linear
b — constant
Parabola y = a x^2 + b x + c a — quadratic
b — linear
c — constant
x_0 = − b / {2 a}
y_0 = c − {b^2} / {4 a}
Spline Natural cubic spline,
on each i-th piece:
y_i = a_i + b_i x + c_i x^2 + d_i  x^3
xN — anchor point x-coordinates
yN — anchor point y-coordinates
Gaussian y = a exp(− ln(2) ({x−x_0}/dx)^2) a — amplitude
dx — half width at half
maximum (HWHM)
x0 — maximum position
Area (integral):
S = sqrt{pi / {ln {2}}} ~ a dx
Standard deviation:
sigma = dx / sqrt{2 ln 2}
y = sqrt{{ln {2}} / pi} ~ a / dx exp(− ln(2) ({x−x_0}/dx)^2) a — area (integral)
dx — half width at half
maximum (HWHM)
x0 — maximum position
A = sqrt{{ln 2} / pi} ~ a/dx
Standard deviation:
sigma = dx / sqrt{2 ln 2}
Lorentzian y = a 1 / {1 + ({x−x_0} / dx)^2} a — amplitude
dx — half width at half
maximum (HWHM)
x0 — maximum position
Area (integral):
S = pi a dx
y = a / {pi dx} 1 / {1 + ({x−x_0} / dx)^2} a — area (integral)
dx — half width at half
maximum (HWHM)
x0 — maximum position
A = a / {pi dx}
Gauss Derivative y = − 2 ln(2) ~ {a (x−x_0)} / {dx^2} exp(− ln(2) ({x−x_0}/dx)^2) Parameters are the same
as for original Gaussian:

a — amplitude
dx — half width at half
maximum (HWHM)
x0 — center position
Area of original Gaussian
(second integral):
S = sqrt{pi / {ln {2}}} ~ a dx
Standard deviation:
sigma = dx / sqrt{2 ln 2}
Peak-to-peak horizontal:
p_x = sqrt{2/{ln {2}}} ~ dx
Peak-to-peak vertical:
p_y = 2 sqrt{{2 ln {2}} / e} ~ a / dx
Lorentz Derivative y=−2 a {x−x_0}/{dx^2} {(1 + ({x−x_0} / dx)^2)^{−2}} Parameters are the same
as for original Lorentzian:

a — amplitude
dx — half width at half
maximum (HWHM)
x0 — center position
Area of original Lorentzian
(second integral):
S = pi a dx
Peak-to-peak horizontal:
p_x = 2/{sqrt {3}} ~ dx
Peak-to-peak vertical:
p_y = {3 sqrt {3}} / 4 ~ a / dx

See Also

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fit_equations.txt · Last modified: Sun Nov 8 12:21:24 2015 (external edit)