Added: Multiple selected files are shown on one plot
Added: Automatic reloading of changed files
Added: Log scale
Added: Text file header support: skip it and get column names
Added: File filter by extension
Improved: Much faster application start
Improved: Instant entering to fullscreen mode (it was very slow)
Improved: Preserving scale zoom when reloading file
Fixed: Error in parsing column types pattern
Multiple minor bugs fixed
Java 7+ is required
The program was renamed to avoid misunderstood (the name 'MagicPlot Viewer' was always interpreted as a free app for viewing MagicPlot Projects). New site was introduced:
MagicPlot Viewer 1.0.1 (old name), 25.10.2012
Fixed: Viewer hangs when selecting large binary file if 'Text' tab is opened
Fixed: Unnecessary reloading when drag-n-drop in file list does not copy anything
Added: 'Refresh' button in preview panel
MagicPlot Viewer 1.0 (old name), 08.10.2012
First release.
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plotvisor/release_notes.txt · Last modified: Sun Nov 8 12:21:24 2015 (external edit)