MagicPlot Manual

Plotting and nonlinear fitting software

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Image Export

To export Figure or Fit Plot image click on Project → Export Image menu item or use corresponding toolbar button. You can set various options of file export format by clicking on Format Options button in Export Image dialog window.

You can also copy image to clipboard.

Raster Image Formats

The following lossless raster graphics formats are supported:

  • PNG — the most suitable format for Fit Plots and Figures
  • GIF — supports only 256 colours and no transparency, out-of-date format
  • BMP — uncompressed raster format (large file size)

Setting the resolution of exported raster image

Image resolution for raster export can be set individually for every Figure and Fit Plot in Canvas tab of the Properties window. The default resolution is 300 DPI.

Why is MagicPlot not capable to export images in JPEG format?

JPEG is a commonly used format of lossy compression for photographic images. The JPEG compression algorithm is at its best on photographs and paintings of realistic scenes with smooth variations of tone and color. However, JPEG is not suited for line drawings and other textual or iconic graphics, where sharp contrasts between adjacent pixels cause noticeable artefacts. Such images are better saved in a lossless raster graphics format such as BMP, GIF, PNG or vector graphics formats.

PNG and JPEG Comparison 1)

Vector Image Formats

The following vector graphics formats are supported:

  • SVG — most suitable for web publications
  • EMF — the most suitable format for inserting in Windows applications like Microsoft Office

Export in vector graphics formats by virtual printer

You also can use third-party virtual printer software to save an image in vector graphics format (use Project → Print menu item).

Image Format Restrictions

  • BMP:
    • Transparent background is not supported.
  • GIF:
    • Transparent background is supported but semi-transparency is not. Only 256 colours.
  • EMF and vector copy on Windows:
    • No semi-transparent colors (but transparent background is supported).
    • Image may be opened without antialiasing in some applications.
    • Text tracking changing is not supported
  • EPS:
    • Transparency is available only in Acrobat Distiller. Set Allow Pdfmark Transparency checkbox in EPS format options, add /AllowTransparency true into Acrobat Distiller's .joboptions file.
    • Transparent images inserted on plots will have solid color background.
  • Raster image copying:
    • Transparent background is not supported.

See Also

If you use Opera browser with Opera Turbo option the images will appear recompressed in JPEG format and this comparison is void.
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image_export.txt · Last modified: Thu Jan 14 17:20:33 2021 by Alexander